Gwen Gwen : "Yes, Nurse!!! Im coming!!!"
I balanced on their tiny weighing machine and threatened to crush every spring in it.
Hello everybody! Your favourite girl on the block weighs 9.39kg!
the nurse happily rounded it off to 9.4kg and jotted it down on my health booklet.
HARLOOOW~~ cant u see I have my tu tu on and a huge bird clip on my hair? they weigh at least a 100 grams and that would mean that im merely 9.38kg.
Mommy was a little surprised that I did not hit the big 10 as she weighed herself, carrying me and it adds up exactly to 60kg. She is 50 and that would make me 10.
Mommy witnessed me grow every month on this yellow measuring mat!
my feet have grown bigger too!
im wearing my new shoes that Jie Jie Olivia bought :)
ive grown a lot taller!
according to the WHO (world health organisation) chart, Gwen Gwen Tan is on the 97th percentile for both weight and height!
note : a baby who is on the 97th percentile for height and weight, means she is taller and heavier than 97% of other babies.
there are 3% of babies who are more obese than me.
im still slim.
Mommy understands that all babies develop at different rates, so there is a huge variety between them. Because of that, it's a good idea to treat percentile chart measurements as a guide. The most important thing is that baby Gwen is healthy and happy, and not how I am, compared with other babies on a chart
Nurse : " Can youu roll from back to front and vice versa"
Gwen Gwen : " Yes I can."
Nurse : "Can youu support your body with your arms and tuck your knee up and rock back and forth on your knees??"
Gwen Gwen : "Uh huh"
Nurse : "Can you sit unsupported on your own without Mommy's help??"
Gwen Gwen : *Nods while sitting upright for the interview
Nurse : "Good...can you regconise people you are familiar or not familiar with?"
Gwen Gwen : " hummh..." (*nods)
Nurse played with me and see how responsive I was.
and Gwen Gwen Tan did Mommy proud :)
Pity that Daddy missed this as he was parking the car.
Ive dimples (on both sides) and its been confirmed by Mommy and CikCik Yani. Its just that my meatballs cheeks are too thick
Gwen Gwen : "Harlow Dr Yip! Merry Xmas, Happy New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai!!! Oh. and Happy Valentines' Day too!
My next appointment is February 18th, and Valentines Day would be over.
Gwen Gwen : " Oops. Is it very loud? cause I havent drink my milk milk and eat my lunch yet."
On my 7th month birthday, i attended Baby Joshua's full month party!!
here is the handsome dude!

Stll remember how Miss Tan looked when she was 1 month old??
Beware Joshua! I will see you on the 97th percentile!

Mommy : "Ai yooo..... Sooo cute!!! "
Mommy loved the "TINYFEET" ones. But they were all gone in a flash!!!
Daddy said "Gwen, in life, there are some tough decisions to make."
Mommy gave me a piercing sharp stare and I knew the choice was clear.
Later she angry, dont give me milk milk anymore, then how?
Next, Rebeus has some tough choices to make too!
But it was just Tiger vs Carlsberg.
Rebeus : " Ai yah! Waste time! I'll take BOTH! Thanks!!!"
Mommy stuffing my face with organic apple and her face with Joshua's ang ku kuey
Yum Yum
its a bit transparent too. Oops.

Gwenneth is a big sister and sayangs Lil' Joshua.

YiYi Sabrina loves me too!

Baby Joshua is tired and cranky just like how I was, when i was still tiny.

While the vain Mommies were busy taking photos, i reached for Joshua's tiny blue socks.
Remember this???

I suspected that Uncle Jeremy stole my right booty at my first month party.
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