It's feeding time!! * Pout Pout *

Thursday, December 18, 2008

From Mommy with love

Dearest Sweetheart,

Its been 6 months in a blink of an eye.

People often ask me :" So... hows life with baby?"

I would take a quiet moment to think of how to answer that question with many images flashing across my mind like the bad of late night feedings... exhausted sleepless mornings... ...cranky crying... less shopping... less facials... ... and the good of a big gigglish smile.

and i would still blissfully say,

"GREAT :) "

I wasnt even sure if I would be a good Mommy. It just came naturally for Daddy and I that we would love to have a baby after dating for 7 years, and that would bring and define our love to a whole new level. We quickly got blessed with you a month after our honeymoon and we were both so thrilled.

We are gonna have a family.

Im the lucky few that has the luxury of choice to stay at home and be a full time Mommy. It got me to wonder how busy can that be? It would probably be feeding milk, bathing, changing diapers, soothe a crying baby and singing repeated bedtime songs to coax you to sleep???

Little did i know that it was those few things above as mentioned, but they repeat like 8 times a day!

Ive never regarded them as a chore and felt very fortunate that I could have the chance to do all of these with love.

When i see you repeatedly suck that tu tu, pause, and then suck again it never fails to paint a smlie on my face. Its just soooo cute :)

You will stop crying when I carry you and it warms my heart that you acknowledge me as "Mommy".

Even when you are asleep, i would still leave the bedside lamp on and watch you sleep and you occasionally smile in your sweetest dreams, perhaps with Mommy and Daddy in it.

I will always remember that smell of your little plump fist and those little stinko toes and how i planted a million kisses on your forehead.

Daddy appreciates and praises me for my patience and love as a Mommy and I secretly felt very proud that I'm a rookie Mommy doing just fine.

Thanks for your love Daddy!

Mommy also wanna say a big thank you to you for teaching me so many things in life.

"Thank you for coming to this world safely and healthily, and it is what matters most.

Thank you for the little tricks you learn each day that made Daddy and I really excited and happy. We are happy to witness you grow and be there for you, for the every step you take.

Thank you for those coy and delightful smiles when I come to your cot to pick you, when you wake up from your nap.

Thank you for bringing me joy in my life that is unparallel to anything else in the world.

Thank you for teaching me the defination of unconditional love.

Here is what I saw one early morning, that made me felt like the most blissful woman in the world :

Gwenneth, Mommy loves you with all my heart... and Daddy too :)

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It's feeding time!! * Pout Pout *