The time that Mommy would not force me to nap.
She would put down everything she was doing and give me her undivided attention for the next 1 and a half hours.
We would either play with my Leapfrog touchpad, read flashcards, watch my baby videos or if Im lucky, Mommy would bring me out for a walk.
the usual route would just be around the apartment compound and occasionally stop by the playground for a brief ride on the springy see-saw.
One random early evening, Mommy sat by the baby pool and splashed the water on my feet.
It was cold of course, but i kept my cool... in case she never bring me back there again.
True enough, she brought me back to the pool the next day and this time she sat by the edge with water at her knees and let me tap my feet in the water.
So Mommy thought that she should gradually let me explore this new little activity, and who knows??? i may bug her for a swim very soon!!!
it then progressed from feet to knee to thighs and finally, my whole ass was in the water.
Mommy took off my diapers but put on my shorts for modesty reasons and hold me by the armpits. She would also rub organic baby oil on my legs and bum. An attempt to keep me warm.
I waddled in the water and it was fun!!!
Mommy was very careful to take things slow so as not to frighten me as this would have repercussion effects on my confidence to learn swimming in future.
Mommy wanted to buy me a thermal swim suit but they ran out of size 1 at Kiddypalace.
However, she managed to buy a baby float.
This float has a outer and inner ring which mummy believes that it gives a better balance so that the float would not topple over which can be very dangerous.
Reads : MY BABY FLOAT!!!

Are you following me home?? Yes..u get to see my naked pictures again.
Mommy would then bathe me in the bathroom with a showerhead.
No more kettle boiling!!!
Im a grown up!!!

My awesome Mom would make huge bubbles to make me happy...

Im easily impressed...
She would then shampoo and shower me in warm water so that I would not catch a cold.
After that I get a quick massage of body lotion to replenish my skin moisture as Mommy felt that cholrine pool water is drying.
Then i will get my treat of the day which is 50ml of fruit juice!!!
This one is good stuff... Mommy would drink the rest when the juice hits over 48 hours after opening.
the Gerber ones are tasier and the Heniz ones are very bland.
Mommy alternate the brands and flavours but apple always never fails to make my expression squirmish!!!
Mommy could whisk me off to dreamland easily for an hour of nap as I would usually be really tired :)
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