I'm fondly known as "Gwen Gwen" but i would prefer to be called Gwenneth when i turn 18 as it would then sounded more hot n chic.
Mommy would prefer me to be a sweet lil'thing for now.
Mommy did a little pink card for me with my new name (apart from foetus, baby etc) GWENNETH TAN so that everyone can tell me apart from the rest of my friends in the hospital nursery.
I'm blessed with plenty of love from my rookie Daddy and Mommy, and i got plenty of attention from relatives n friends at the hospital!
and of course, the priceless love and concern for Daddy, Mommy and I. Lurrrrvvvves
Mommy's birth story...
My Mommy was diagnoised with Gestational Diabetes (diabetes at pregnancy) at week 37. Dr Mary Yang said that Gestational Diabetes has its complications and often result in a oversized baby which needed c-sect at delivery. My Mommy is very very unprepared to be cut up.
I was estimated to be 3.5kg in tummy then, and Mommy was also already 2 cm dilated. Hence Dr Yang suggested that they shall induce labour sometime next week (week 38).
And 18th was chosen, just because Dr Mary Yang was free! What a fateful day... so 18th it is!
So, Mommy started to go on fasting the night before and was so excited that she only caught 2 hrs of sleep. Daddy snored away as usual.
I could hear that every night.
We admitted to the hospital at 7.30am and Mommy got changed into the blue robe which bears her little ass at the back. It made her really nervous and uncomfortable.
Mommy gave Daddy a pressie, which is a journal that records the whole lovely pregnancy experience, feelings and pictures of my scans and Mommy's ever-growing belly. Daddy gave Mommy a card with mushy stuff which i would... ... rather not tell you.
At about 9.30am, Dr Yang came and checked Mommy for dilation progress since last week... it was STILL only 2cm and she burst my waterbag without warning my Mommy. Mommy felt the exact description of how a waterbag burst would feel like on books.
Mommy was put on drip and the contractions came quickly... Daddy and Mommy was left alone in the labour ward and Daddy timed the contractions to be 2.5mins apart each lasting 50 secs.
My poor Mommy in pain.
Mommy wanna knows what labour pain is all about and beared with the acute pain. She lasted for abt 2hrs before agreeing with Daddy that maybe she should be put on epidural. If you do your maths, Mommy had about 40 waves of excruciating pain of contractions and she thinks its enough to remember it for life already.
Epidural was injected while Mommy hangs on to her life breathing so hard on the laughing gas to relieve some pain. Daddy was super impressed with Dr Ernest Lim that he would name his baby after him if its a boy! Kidding... Daddy was relieved to see Mommy relieved from pain.
"Epidural side-effects should not be considered ; epidural is a necessity." Quoted Mommy.
Mommy felt that she was in heaven and was 4cm dilated at 12.38pm. She dozes off to sleep for about 2 hrs while Daddy grab a bite from Delifrance.
At 3.30pm, Mommy was 8cm dilated.
Im almost there, everyone!
Mommy was fully dilated, 10cm, at 4.28pm... the nurses called for Dr Yang, and she said wait a little longer before pushing.
The epidural was fading off and the nurses had to prepare a new one. But i guess it was all too late for Mommy... She felt my head in the pelvic and it causes her to feel a huge pressure on her birth canal. The pain was actually worse than contractions! Mommy turned pale and tears trickled down from the corner of her eyes while Daddy held mommy's hand tight and stroke her hair with his Delifrance curry puff-smelling hands.
Daddy did every deep breathing with Mommy as she moan in pain with each contractions and planted gentle kisses on Mommy's forehead to comfort her from time to time.
AT 5 odd, Dr Yang came and all Mommy heard was "PUSH!", "COME ON COME ON!", "YOU ARE DOING WELL, COME ON!" "PUSH HARDER, PUSH HARDER!", "COMING OUT! COMING OUT!"
And... ...
The rest is history.
I was born on 18th June 2008 at 5.25pm
Head circumference : 35cm
Length : 51cm
Weight : 3.27kg
General : BEAUTIFUL.
My first picture.
Mommy said that the pain she went through giving birth to me was... ... ...bad. But i secretly know that she thinks its all worth every bit. Mommy told me she needed 2 years to forget about the pain before she gives me , hopefully a brother :)

Pictures of barely one day old!
People who loves me!
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