It's feeding time!! * Pout Pout *

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Im a TOYS R US kid!

I don't wanna grow up,

I'm a TOYS R' US kid.

There's a million toys at TOYS R US that I can play with!

♬♪ From bikes to trains and video games,

its the biggest toy store there is!

GEEee WIZzzz!

I don't wanna grow up, coz maybe if I did....

I wouldn't be a TOYS R US kid!

More games, more toys, more fun!!!

♬♩I wouldn't be a TOYS R US kid.♪♪....

Mommy brought me and CikCik Yani out to Novena for a TOYS R US sale :)

I suck my thumb as i wait for my milk...

Mommy sees nothing wrong with sucking my thumb for comfort and find it weird that people pull their babies' thumb abruptly out of their babies mouth the moment they do that.

Daddy and Mommy thought that it was clever of me to know how to comfort myself when im feeling a little hungry and is waiting for my milk.

Mommy ensures that it will not turn into a habit and always make a point to find out why Im doing that... it is usually hunger for my case. I like to drift off to sleep with a pacifier in my mouth and my beansprout beanie snuggled next to my face. If my pacifier drops off, i would just suck on my little thumb for comfort till Mommy or Daddy realises it and put the pacifier back into my pouting lips. When i eventually fall asleep, i would open my mouth semi conciously, and let my tu tu drop off and not need it anymore.

My favourite sleeping position for now!!!

Okay, back to my shopping spree...

We were told to valet our mini vehicle, and Mommy had to put me on my baby carrier.

Mommy always think that it is weird to have your legs suspended in the air when I sit on the baby carrier. So she holds my little feet with her hands.

Then how to grab toys??

Mommy uses her mouth.

"Yani, can you take that yellow and blue toy for me??"

"the purple colour one nice or not?? got spoil or dirty or not??"

"Yani, Yani, i want this for Gwen Gwen... for how many months babies ah?"

Please pardon Mommy's Indonesian English.

Cikcik Yani is super excited when it comes to buying cheap stuff. Mommy also offered to buy a toy for Cikcik Yani's 3 year old brother in Indonesia.

The toys were'nt really dirt cheap. They were generally about 30% cheaper because of tattered and torn packaging, or worse, having some parts fallen off! Some toys were really dirty... like a baby had chewed on it for 20 years.

"Still sell!" Mommy complained.

Soon, i fell asleep.

And Mommy is gonna pay for ALL these...

After some testing out soem faulty toys, Mommy bought 4 Leapfrog cartridges, a octopus toy with many texture and patterned fabric for me to explore and a few other miscellanous stuff.



Oh Mom.... I will NEVER send you to an old folks home.


Hungry baby gets cranky and had a full feed...

And whizzed off to dreamland!!

Mommy then went to the TOYS R US store upstairs for some quality toys...thou at shelf price.

As usual, Mommy wouldnt let me off without putting weird head gears on my head. But i still look cute anyway.

Happy Halloween!

Mom~ ~ Take that off!... Its not nice.

I give up.

Please dun bring the wrong pram back... I promise to be good...

Mommy bought this for me!!! Its a little battery operated train that moves forward and back at a flick of a switch and I can dump plastic balls into the funnel and it drops out from the rear!!!

So cool!!!

(sorry, but at my age, i get amazed by silly things... sometimes, its your face.<>

Im a happy and lucky baby!

PS: all purchases were swiped on Daddy's plastic card.

Daddy said "Its can buy anything you want :) "

Daddy, i will NEVER send you to an old folks home too.

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It's feeding time!! * Pout Pout *