It's feeding time!! * Pout Pout *

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Gwenneth's Papa is a great Daddy

I have a wonderful Daddy... and Mommy said that she has a wonderful hubby :)

My Daddy Tan is one of those who voluntarily offers to take over when he notices that Mommy is a little overwhelmed.

Not just play, mind you...

Its changing diapers, feeding, coaxing to sleep and even bathing!

As Ive learnt to sleep throughout the night from my last feed at 10.30pm, Mommy and Daddy would spend some quality time cuddling togther to watch TV and Mommy would turn in about 1 o'clock.

In the middle of the night, Mommy has to wake up to express my milk milk for the 8 hours stretch that Im asleep.

This leaves her having interrrupted sleep.

Say, she wakes up at 4am, goes back to sleep at about 4 odd 5, i would wake up at 6 for a feed...

and when Mommy finally dozes off, its my bathing time again at 8.30am sharp!

"Eh! Eh! Eh!" (Gwenneth's signature complains)

When Daddy hears my whimpering and Mommy looking totally drained, he would wake up, brushes his teeth and brings me down for my favourite highlight in the morning ;


Daddy would also take over the duty to feed and rock me to sleep for my late morning nap, before reading the papers, breakfast, get bathed, changed and ready for work.

Daddy can take care of me all on his own, when Mommy goes for her medical appointments and a 3 hours shopping spree thereafter!

Yesterday, Daddy left Mommy feeling very puzzled.

Daddy and I were playing on the bed when Mommy overheard this...

Daddy : " Come Gwenneth! Let's play boxing game."

Daddy : "Come box Daddy, box Daddy!!!"

Gwenneth : ... ...

Daddy : " Bii-sshh Bii-sshh!!! one... two... box! Bii-sshh Bii-sshh!!"

Daddy grabbed Gwenneth's little fist and put it to his cheeks.

Daddy : " Errraahh!!! Bii-sshhh Bii-sshhh!!! Errraahh!!!"

Gwenneth : ... ...

Daddy also plays weird games with me that is definately not my kind, for my age.

Daddy : "Gwen Gwen let's do maths!"

Daddy : " a + a = 2a "

Daddy : " a + b = ( a+b )

Daddy : " a x b = ab "

Mommy : *rolls eyes*

"errr...what were you talking about???"

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It's feeding time!! * Pout Pout *