Daddy and Mommy is especially proud of Gwenneth's vocabulary at 14 months odd. She has been building her understanding and pronounciation of words since about 12 months, and Daddy and Mommy is certainly happy that she is excited to learn more!
Gwenneth can pronouce accurately and understand the meaning of :
- nana (banana), car car, apple, cook, spoon, fork, cut, grapes, please, key, call, moon, star, wooh wooh (dog. and fondly calls "yoyo", our neighbour's dog.), bear, elmo, chair, table, walk walk, clock, ring, flower, flag, pen, apple, orh-inch (orange), sss'berry (strawberry), eyes, toes, hands, drum, mark(stomach),bus, nice, ice kim (ice cream), juice, aah-sin(raisin), biscuit, neh neh(milk), ball, throw, kick, cut cut (cut/knife), yum yum (food), where?, there, light, book, house(playhouse), swing, slide, go, bathe, duck, horse, bag, egg, broom, sweep, puff (Gerber's graduate puffs), spade, pail, bird, fish,leaf, work, turtle, bread, pool, up, down, ah'mak (alamak!), plueees (please), take
understands and points at object when asked:
-rainbow, sky, hello kitty, soup, rice, fan, handphone, toys, high chair, stroller, coconut tree, stone, dolphin, towel, diaper, ears, tongue, nose, belly button, fingers, bed, cat, elephant, xylophone, tambourine, whistle, hotdog, pillow, piano, playground, shoes, socks, door, lift, car seat, sunglasses, aeroplane, pineapple, draw, crayon, erase, magnet, remote control, relax (lies backwards), rub rub (rubs dettol sanitisiers on palms), raise the arms, shawdow, sleep, open, close, pig(makes snorting sound), giraffe, monkey,elephant, butterfly, make up (can identify mascara, brushes, loose powder etc make up. pats her cheeks when she sees them), cup, teeth, toothbrush,sofa, mirror, comb, tricycle, dance, swim, point, computer, boss chair (our black study room's chair), give
She has also learned to say "yes" along with nodding and "no" as she shakes her head.
(and really mean it.)
whines for Mama a lot. Cries pitifully for Papa when he goes to work. Looks for Jie Jie (Yani) when she goes out of sight, eg washing the toilets.
is able to address Ah mah, Ah gong, Por por and Gong Gong, Ah Yi and Yoyo(our neighbour's dog).
and so, Gwenneth goes to school.
Mommy has been comtemplating to send Gwenneth for activity classes as Gwen would sometimes walk around at home looking bored. Apart from playing with her heap of toys, daily evening walks to pick twig and stones, see other people walking their dogs, swimming a the pool, outdoor play at the patio in her playhouse and making our own water theme park by spraying water from the water hose, watching DVDs/channel 34 and hide-n-seek at home.
Mommy's tummy is also ballooning by the days and Mommy thought that parent-child activity classes would allow us to have bonding and quality time together before mommy gets all tied up with another half year of being a cow to my little brother.
Mommy studied the list of school options and considered about travelling (until Gong Gong and Por Por bought a car for her weekday use to send Gwen to school!) and also rampant children diseases that the little girl would get exposed to.
Eventually, Mommy enrolled me for twice a week, Julia Gabriel's classes (Playnest) after some discussion with Daddy.
Gong Gong and Por Por were equally excited and even accompanied me for my orientation day!
It was a relief and also a surprise that Gwenneth was not shy nor withdrawn from the group of little toddlers. She was one of the eldest there (between 10-18 months) and Mommy felt that i attended this class at a appropriate age.
Some of the babies were smaller and couldnt walk just yet, so they missed out a lot on the playground and some of the activites.

sand play at school! i dun really like sand :(

Tucking my butt into the small chair

Playing with toys!