Mommy also arranged for a airport transfer from our apartment service to pick the 8.5 of us in total.
0.5 = ME.
We dropped off our stuff and we made our way to St kilda's! My parents favourite little restaurant that faces the lovely beach.
We basically visited the same places that my Dad and Mom had their wedding shoot in 2007.

We had a al fresco seat but i was freezing cold even with the fleece blanket that Auntie Alfi bought for me.
I was so cold that i didnt move or cry. Mommy was worried and shifted me inside.

Mommy love this photo of Papa and me!
Gwen! Look here!
Someone should really invent this thing that catches the attention of babies which can be attached to the camera. Like a flickering light bulb or something...
If u know of one, please buy it for my Mommy as a Mother's day present.

Mommy fed me fish minus the fried skin and cream and any part that has come in contact with the raw salad.

Sunny but freezing cold.

Mommy even brought along my fish net. its very important to me. Mommy didnt bring a bath tub though. she brought along my blue non-slip mat and let me sit naked on the mat in the shower cubicle and bathe me with a shower hose.
Mommy fed me fish minus the fried skin and cream and any part that has come in contact with the raw salad.
Yes, you were right.
I didnt have any of the french fries too.
Still holding on to my favourite "doctor"
Sunny but freezing cold.
and finally, im back in a cozy apartment! as you can see, i even have my own pillow in my pink Hello kitty pillow case.
*Excuse me, its the same pillow case that my Mom used when she was a toddler. It was made by Por Por and was hand down to many of Mommy's younger cousin and somehow Mommy found it in Great grandpa's house in Malaysia and brought it back for me. Mommy gets real excited about me using things they she once used when she was small. Mommy, i would be really really very happy too if you can keep your Chanel, Louboutin and Herve Leger for me too! You can dump your pillow case. Plus you pillow too.
SEE! I told you i will get excited over such things too!
Mommy even brought along my fish net. its very important to me. Mommy didnt bring a bath tub though. she brought along my blue non-slip mat and let me sit naked on the mat in the shower cubicle and bathe me with a shower hose.
and we did fine!

Smelly nice and happy climbing on our bed with a city view. It was really cold and snuggling up on the cooling soft sheet is heavenly!
Smelly nice and happy climbing on our bed with a city view. It was really cold and snuggling up on the cooling soft sheet is heavenly!
Mommy will never forget about it. Just for this trip, Mommy deliberately went to buy a new and longer beanie from kiddy palace and hand stitched a new beanie case for me in my favourite jersey material. (feels like your old PE t-shirt sort of material.) She alternate me between my old and new beanie so that the new will be "coated" with my signature smell. In any unfortunate case that i lose my beanie in australia, i have another one as back up! so i had 2 beanies with me in australia. You lucky smelly!

Playing with Mommy. We snuggled up together to catch up with sleep while the rest hit Crown for texas holdem .
Playing with Mommy. We snuggled up together to catch up with sleep while the rest hit Crown for texas holdem .
As usual, Daddy came back richer!